Sabljarka (Pelecus cultratus)
Po stupnju ugroženosti ova vrsta spada u kategoriju nedovoljno poznatih vrsta, pa je zbog toga uvrštena na popis divljih vrsta od interesa za EU. To je autohtona ali rijetka vrsta koju još u Hrvatskoj nazivaju britvaš, kosač, nož, sabljar. Hrbat joj je neobično ravan a trbuh bridast i zaokružen. Usta su joj zavrnuta gore i gotovo okomito urezana. Prsne peraje su joj vrlo dugačke, šiljaste i sabljasto zavinute. Živi u bočatim i slatkim vodama. Naraste do 30 – 50 cm i oko 3,5 kilograma. Hrani se planktonom, vodenim beskralješnjacima, odraslim kukcima i manjom ribom, a kod nas je zabilježena u slivu Dunava.
Uzrok ugroženosti je onečišćenje i uništavanje riječnih staništa te pregradnja i regulacije vodotoka.
Ljuske ove vrste sadrže srebrnaste kristaliće guanina koji se prerađuju za presvlačenje umjetnih bisera.
Ziege (Pelecus cultratus)
When it comes to the degree of endangerment, this species belongs to the category of data deficient species, which is why it is included in the list of wild species of interest to the EU. It is an autochthonous but rare species that is also known as britvaš, kosač, nož, sabljar in Croatia. Its body is elongated and very flattened on the sides. Its back is unusually flat, and its belly is angular and rounded. The lateral line is broken and wavy. Her mouth is curled up and almost vertically incised. Its pectoral fins are very long, pointed and saber shaped. Its back is bluish, and the sides are silvery. It lives in brackish and fresh waters. It grows up to 30 – 50 cm and about 3.5 kilograms. It feeds on plankton, aquatic invertebrates, adult insects and small fish, and in our country, it has been recorded in the Danube basin.
The cause of endangerment is the pollution and destruction of river habitats, water barriers and regulation of watercourses. The scales of this species contain silvery guanine crystals that are processed and used as a coating for artificial pearls.