Plotica (Rutilus virgo)
Plotica je autohtona vrsta i endem rijeka dunavskog sliva u Hrvatskoj. Nalikuje na bodorku, ali joj tijelo nije tako visoko, više je bočno spljošteno. Podrepne i trbušne peraje su narančastocrvene, a prsne žutobijele. Hrani se vodenim beskralješnjacima i biljem. Naraste do 50 cm i mase do 2 kg.
Uzrok ugroženosti još se istražuje, ali se može pretpostaviti da je osjetljiva na onečišćenje vode i regulacije rijeka.
Danubian roach (Rutilus virgo)
The Danubian roach is an autochthonous species, endemic to the Danube basin, and it is commonly found in the rivers of the Danube basin in Croatia. It looks like the common roach, but its body is not so tall, and it is more flattened on the sides. The back is dark green and the belly is light blue. The anal and pelvic fins are orange-red, and the pectoral fins are yellowish-white. It feeds on aquatic invertebrates and plants. It grows up to 50 cm and weighs up to 2 kg.
The cause of the endangerment is still being investigated, but it can be assumed that it is sensitive to water pollution and river regulation.