Piškur (Misgurnus fossilis)
Ova uobičajena autohtona vrsta stanovnik je dunavskog sliva (Sava, Drava, Dunav, Mura) te u rijekama Gackoj i Lici. Naraste u prosjeku 25 – 30 cm. Valjkasti trup završava bočno stisnutim repom. Na šiljatoj glavi nalaze se donja usta s mesnatim usnama. Usta su okružena s pet pari brčića. Karakteristično je da je leđna peraja smještena iznad trbušne peraje. Dan provodi ukopan u dno a u sumrak izlazi u potragu za hranom, najčešće ličinkama maločetinaša i kukaca.
Uzrok ugroženosti je nestanak sporotekućih i stajaćih voda i prikladnih staništa za njegov razvoj, organsko i anorgansko onečišćenje. Pregradnje i regulacije vodotoka također su jedan od uzroka ugroženosti.
Ulovljen, piškur se glasa, ispuštajući zrak. Ribičima služe kao mamci za druge ribe, posebno štuke.
Weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis)
This common autochthonous species is a resident of the Danube basin (Sava, Drava, Danube, Mura) and in the rivers Gacka and Lika. On average, it grows 25 – 30 cm. The cylindrical body ends with a laterally narrowed tail. Its body is covered with deeply embedded tiny scales that are covered with a thick layer of mucus. There is an evenly colored lateral stripe on the back and sides. The belly is yellowish brown to orange. On the pointy head there are the lower mouth with fleshy lips. The mouth is surrounded by five pairs of barbels. It is characteristic that the dorsal fin is located above the pelvic fin. It spends the day buried in the bottom, and at dusk it goes out in search of food, most often oligochaetes and insects larvae.
The cause of endangerment is the disappearance of slow-flowing and still waters and suitable habitats for its development, organic and inorganic pollution. Water barriers and regulation of watercourses are also one of the causes of endangerment.
When caught, it makes sounds, releasing air. Fishermen use it as a bait for other fish, especially pike.