Nosara (Vimba vimba)
Nosara je autohtona uobičajena vrsta srednjih i donjih tokova Drave i Dunava te vrlo često ulazi u poplavna područja. U našim rijekama naraste i do 40 cm. Mlađ ove vrste hrani se zooplanktonom a odrasle jedinke vodenim kukcima, račićima i drugim beskralježnjacima. U potrazi za hranom bogatijim staništima često migriraju u jatima kao i u razdoblju od svibnja do kolovoza kada u jatima migriraju uzvodno, gdje se mrijeste u plitkim i bržim vodama.
Uzrok ugroženosti je pregradnja i regulacija vodotoka što onemogućava migracije tijekom reprodukcije.
Za razliku od istočne Europe i Azije gdje se povremeno lovi u većim količinama u Hrvatskoj nema većega gospodarskog značenja.
Vimba (Vimba vimba)
Vimba is an autochthonous, common species found in the middle and lower reaches of the Drava and Danube, and very often enters floodplains. Its elongated, laterally flattened body is covered with tiny scales. It grows up to 40 cm in our rivers. The body is metallic silver, the back is a little darker, and the belly is silvery white. The crest behind the dorsal fin is covered with scales. This species’ fry feed on zooplankton and adults on aquatic insects, shrimps and other invertebrates. In search of habitats that are richer with food they often migrate in schools, as well as in the period from May to August when schools migrate upstream, where they spawn in shallower and faster waters.
The cause of endangerment are water barriers and regulation of watercourses, which prevents migration during reproduction. Unlike Eastern Europe and Asia, where it is occasionally caught in larger quantities, it has no great economic significance in Croatia.