
Manjić, manjka (Lota lota)

Manjić je uobičajena autohtona vrsta našeg podneblja. U području rasprostranjenosti nazivaju ga još derač, kalamut, karamura, kucić, len, malić, mamić, meng, ming, mlić, mleđ, mljeva, nić, štuljan. Na prvi pogled sličan je somu. U koži su mu vrlo sitne ljuske koje se jedva vide. Koža mu je debela i sluzava. U nas ga ima u slivu Dunava. Obično je do 2 kilograma, ali na dalekom sjeveru može narasti i preko desetak kilograma (34 kg) i 1,5 m duljine. Živi u čistim vodama s pjeskovitim dnom. Proždrljiv je. Hrani se vodenim beskralješnjacima, ribom i vodozemcima.

Najvažniji uzrok ugroženosti ove reofilne vrste (ribe koje preferiraju brzi tok) je regulacija vodotoka, te onečišćenje, prekomjeran izlov i unos alohtonih vrsta.

Lovi se za vrijeme mutnih voda, pogotovo zimi, na živu ribicu ili glistu.

Burbot (Lota lota)

Burbot is a common autochthonous species in our region. In the areas where it lives, it is also called derač, kalamut, karamura, kucić, len, malić, mamić, meng, ming, mlić, mleđ, mljeva, nić, štuljan. At first glance, it is similar to a catfish. There are very small, barely visible, scales in its skin. Its head is flattened, and only one barbel hangs from its chin. Its tail is flattened laterally. Burbot has two dorsal fins. The front dorsal fin is short but immediately continues to the rounded tail. Its lower fin is as long as the dorsal fin. The male has a larger head and a slimmer body. The back, sides and fins are dark green to gray, marbled with stripes, and the belly is whitish. Its skin is thick and slimy. We can find in the Danube basin. It usually weighs up to 2 kilograms, but in the far north it can grow to over ten kilograms (34 kg) and 1.5 m in length. It lives in clear waters with a sandy bottom. It is voracious. It feeds on aquatic invertebrates, fish and amphibians.

The most important cause of endangerment of this rheophilic species (fish that prefer fast-moving waters) is the regulation of watercourses, pollution, overfishing and entry of non-native species.

It is fished in muddy waters, especially in winter, with live fish or earthworms.