Lipljen (Thymallus thymallus)
Ova autohtona vrsta u Hrvatskoj sporadično se javlja između ostalih rijeka u Muri i Dravi i to u njihovim gornjim tokovima s čistom brzom i hladnom vodom tako da se u donjem toku rijeke Drave nađe vrlo rijetko. To je 30 – 50 cm duga riba najčešće do 1 kg. Obilježuje je bočno spljošten trup s izbočenim leđima. Usta su mu razmjerno mala. Leđna peraja je velika i šarena. Lipljen se hrani malim vodenim beskralježnjacima.
Vrsta je zanimljiva ribičima i lovi se u gornjim tokovima naših velikih rijeka umjetnim mušicama.
Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
This autochthonous species in Croatia occurs sporadically, among other rivers, in the Mura and Drava in their upper reaches with clean fast and cold water, so it is very rarely found in the lower reaches of the Drava river. It is a 30-50 cm long fish, usually up to 1 kg in weight. It is characterized by a laterally flattened torso with a protruding back. Its mouth is relatively small. The back is greenish, and on the grayish-colored sides there are small round, dark spots and elongated stripes. Its belly is silvery red. The dorsal fin is large and colorful. Grayling feeds on small aquatic invertebrates.
This species is interesting to fishermen, and it is caught in the upper reaches of our large rivers with artificial flies.