Every year on March 21, the World Day of Forests and the World Down Syndrome Day are celebrated, and we are at the Educational Visitor Center “Podravlje” with the students of the special department of Elementary School “Dr. Franjo Tuđman” from Beli Manastir marked this important day. In addition, today is the first day of spring, which brought us a wonderful day to enjoy nature. The workshop began with an introduction to the dangers of residual or discarded mines and explosive devices led by Dubravko Krušarovski from the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Interior. After that, Dalibor Tonc took the children for a walk in the forest where, among other things, they learned to distinguish white and black poplar wood. The children supported the foresters by planting an oak sapling, and together we supported Filip and Marko, boys with Down’s syndrome, by wearing different socks. The children and their teachers liked this way of teaching, and we agreed to do it again. We are waiting for them in 60 years in the shade of the oak they planted today.