The Hunting Lodge Zlatna Greda hosted the third two-day meeting of the Naturavita project team, which was held on Wednesday and Thursday, May 8 and 9, 2019. The meeting was attended by representatives of all project partners of Croatian Waters, Public Institution Nature park Kopački rit, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Ministry of the Interior and of course the host Hrvatske šume.
It was an opportunity for Project Manager Marija Herceg to present to the members of the project team, as well as to the coordinator of project activities Valentino Gerl who joined us on 15th April 2019 .

Representatives of the Ministry of Interior reported data that up to 1 May, 1254 anti-personnel mines, 2640 anti-tenk mines and 201 pieces of unexploded ordnance were found and destroyed in the project area. The finalization of demining works is planned by July, after which it is planned to set up permanent information boards and actively participate in project promotion activities and visibility.
The work of the Hrvatske šume is carried out according to the plan, so up to now, the preparation for habitats and protection of forests has been carried out on 83.93 ha of which 48.43 hectares have been rebuilt with pedunculate oak seedlings and 35.50 ha with wilow seedlings. Currently, the reconstruction has been made on 8.2% of the projected area.
Construction of the first six firebreaks with elements of the forest road length 8.49 km from the total project planned 32.98 km starts on 16 th July 2019 .

Two Dacie Duster were purchased for the purpose of the biological renewal of forests and the construction of forest infrastructure on the project.
The second day of the meeting was used for individual meetings of project partners for activities and a tour of the project area.