A meeting was held on February 1, 2022 in the building of Hrvatske vode in Zagreb, and via the zoom application, at which the results were presented after the first year of monitoring the ecological status of surface waters and monitoring additional biological indicators. In addition to the hosts and representatives of the project partners, the meeting was attended by monitoring executors who presented the results after the first year of research. The introductory presentation was given by prof.dr.sc. Zlatko Mihaljević, in which he emphasized that the monitoring is performed at 15 stations, 7 of which are separated by an embankment from the floodplain of the Danube and the ecological potential is assessed at them. There are also 7 stations in the floodplain + Danube Petreš. At all locations, the concentration of total nitrogen is measured, which is lower in the protected area compared to the floodplain. Additional measurement of dissolved oxygen concentration and temperature in the bottom water layer at all locations except in Kopačko Lake and Veliki Sakadaš Lake has been proposed.
Analysis of Macrozoobenthos in the floodplain and the Danube showed that the area is poor in communities, Oligochaeta predominate, and there are more communities in the protected area. Doc.dr.sc. Filip Stević presented the results after the first year of research for the biological quality element phytoplankton and phytobenthos, emphasizing that the first reporting period did not include any vegetation season in its entirety, but the report presents individual results of HLPI / HRPI index by months ). Prof. dr.sc. Antun Alegro pointed out that the community of macrophytes in the protected area has mostly good ecological potential, and in the floodplain mostly moderate. Prof. dr.sc. Davor Zanella said in his presentation that 35 species of fish have been identified in the study area, of which 8 are invasive species. The current ecological condition and ecological potential of this area is satisfactory, and where there is no reason are invasive species and anthropological action.