In the premises of the Hunting Lodge Zlatna greda, 14. October.2021. year, the 9th meeting of project partners was held.

The meeting was preceded by an on-site inspection carried out by the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, which was carried out at the Educational and Visitor Center “Podravlje”, a fire average with elements of the forest road Stara Drava and section 72c as part of biological forest restoration activities. At the beginning of the meeting, the participants were greeted by Blaž Štefanek, Head of the Service for projects co-financed by EU funds and international projects, and briefly presented the project and goals and tasks that have been realized so far and that are ahead. He expressed satisfaction with the work done so far on the project and wished all partners continued successful cooperation. Project leader Filip Čorić opened the meeting and read the agenda of the meeting. He pointed out the significant change that has taken place since the last meeting, and that is obtaining approval from the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency to change the minor significance of the grant agreement.

In the continuation of the meeting, the representatives of the project partners briefly informed the participants about the activities that have been carried out in the past period since the last meeting. As part of the biological reforestation activities, Croatian forests have afforested 60% of the areas planned for this activity, and the care and protection of seedlings is proceeding according to plan.

The equipping of the Educational-Visitor Center “Podravlje” with all the planned equipment has been completed and now there is a modern space equipped with modern technology in which education of target groups and students of primary and secondary schools is held. This month, five trainings were held for upper and lower primary school students, and in addition to gaining knowledge about forests and animals that live in them and the dangers lurking from landmines, students went home with a bag full of educational materials and a few more surprises.

Activities related to the reconstruction and establishment of fire averages, the reconstruction of bridges and the establishment of educational trails continue. In the past period, the public institution Kopački rit Nature Park toured the terrain to determine the habitat and boundaries of otter and beaver distribution, and according to initial estimates, the presence of 26 to 31 beaver families was determined. The competent Ministry of Agriculture has issued a permit for catching beavers, and the same will start next week, in certain locations with the help of nets provided for that. The production of a leather belt for otter monitoring and the procurement of SIM cards for alarms is in progress.

The Ministry of the Interior has successfully participated in the training of lecturers who will give lectures on the dangers of landmines, as well as in the development of educational brochures and picture books and leaflets on mines.

The plan for next year is to hold four trainings for target groups (hunters, HŠ employees), and the organization of a play on mine danger is being prepared.

The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds as a partner in the project within the sub-activity of establishing educational infrastructure, conducting education and raising awareness has completed the training of lecturers.

In the past period, Hrvatske vode has completed a very demanding public procurement procedure for five water metering stations and the signing of contracts and realizations is expected. All monitoring is carried out according to the set guidelines with the support of JU PP Kopački rit in the field. Three more public procurement procedures are planned, three public procurement procedures: equipment for measuring water level and flow; preparation of a study of water revitalization and water-dependent ecosystems and preparation of a study of the typology and classification of the Kopačko Lake system.