Kopački rit: Past, Present, Future 2019.

The eight Symposium with international participation titled Kopački rit. Past, Present, Future 2019, was organized by PublicInstitution „Nature park kopački rit“, Faculty of Agrobiotehnical Sciences Osijek, Faculty of Education and the Deparment of Biology, which are members of the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek and Public Institution Agency for Management of Protected Natural Values in Osijek-Baranja County. Two internatonal association: the Danube River Network of Preotected Areas (DANUBEPARKS) and Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.) assistedthe international support to the organization of the symposium.

Programme of two-day symposium, on 26 and 27 September 2019, delivered 49 presentations including 28 oral and 21 poster presentations.

The Naturavita project was presented by oral presentation by Dalibor Tonc and abstract in the book of abstracts:

Demining, restoration and protection of forest and forest land in protected and Natura 2000 sties in Danube-Drava region – „Naturavita“

Irena Franjić, Dalibor Tonc

Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Directorate, Department for Green Energy and Projects financed by EU funds and for international projects, Service for projects co-financed by EU funds and for international projects


Hrvatske šume d.o.o. together with project partners Hrvatske vode, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds and Public Institution Nature park Kopacki rit have been implementing the project “Naturavita” that includes activities of mine clearance, restoration and protection of forests and forest land and protection of water resources and on water dependant ecosystems in the nature park “Kopački rit” and the Regional park “Mura-Drava”. The pars are areas that are protected by Croatian nature protection laws, the ecological network Natura 2000 and the Ramsar convention. The project area is neglected and degraded due to long-term mine contamination that does not allow safe accesses to visitors and management bodies, as well as the implementation of forest and Natura 2000 management plans. The total amount of eligible costs of the project is 376.786.017,16 HRK of which 85% is financed by the EU, through the Cohesion fund. Through the implementation of project activities, more than 25 km2 of forests and forest land in the project area will be cleared of mines and other unexploded. The biological restoration of forests and forest land will be carried on a surface of 1,021 ha, including through replacement of alien species with native species on 441 ha of the project area. The firefighting infrastructure will be improved through the construction and reconstruction of 107 ha of fire breaks, 33 km of fire roads and 4 bridges. The quality of waters and the level of conservation of ecosystems dependant on water will be improved through definition of retention capacities, management objectives, definition and implementation of monitoring and the development of a Study on revitalization of the wetlands in the nature park “Kopački rit”. The Project will raise public awareness on the importance of biodiversity, sustainable management of forest and the risk of mine contamination through the development and implementation of educational programs for school children, students and the local population. Furthermore, the educational and visitor Centre “Podravlje” will be renovated and 4 educational trails will be constructed within this activity. By so far, the achieved project outputs include: 24.9 km2 of forest and forest land cleared of mines (which is 98.5% of planned) and implemented biological restoration of forests through planting of Salix alba (white willow) and Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) on 85 ha (which is 16% of the planned area). The final project outcomes include increased forest ecosystem services and safe access for visitors, management bodies and other interest groups as well as the creation of prerequisites for the implementation of forest and Natura 2000 management plans.

Keywords: demining, biological forest regeneration, aquatic ecosystems, forest pedagogy