The twelfth sampling within the Naturavita project for Group 1: Monitoring of ecological status of surface waters and monitoring of additional biological indicators and for Group 2: Monitoring of chemical status of surface waters has just been completed. Concluding with this sampling in June 2021, the first year of sampling of three as long as the monitoring of the state of individual parameters is planned. In addition to physicochemical parameters and chlorophyll, the activities included in Group 1 are also biological indicators of phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrozoobenthos, macrophytes and ichthyofauna. These project activities for Group 1 are carried out by the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb as the holder, together with the Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and the Institute of Public Health of Osijek – Baranja County. Within Group 2, monitoring of target parameters of metals and pesticides in surface waters and sediment and biota is carried out. The holder of activities for Group 2 is the Teaching Institute for Public Health of Osijek – Baranja County. Sampling is carried out at 19 locations and continues according to the schedule in July, with which we enter the second year of activity.