Fifth Naturavita project team meeting

The fifth two-day meeting of the Naturavita project team was held on March 10 and 11, 2020. in the Directorate of Croatian Forests. The meeting was attended by representatives of all project partners  Croatian Water, Public Institution Nature Park Kopački rit, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, Ministry of the Interior and of course the host  Croatian Forests.

The introductory speech was delivered by the project manager and asked each partner to briefly state the status of the implementation of their activities with information of identified difficulties.

Representatives of the Ministry of the Interior informed us that the demining activity has been completed, for which six certificates of exclusion from the mine suspected area have been issued, which is more than planned. Five demining units are planned, and the sixth unit is a landfill located in the project area that has been cleared and for which a sixth certificate has been issued. In the demined area 5.611 explosive remants have been found and destroyed. The Mnistry of Interior has installed 10 permanent information panels with prescribed visibility elements in the project area.

The representatives of the Croatian Forests reported that 325.57 ha or 33% of the planned area should be afforested by spring 2020. In forest biological regeneration activities, the problem with ash trees is currently due to the disease that has occurred in the nurseries. In the activity of reconstruction and construction of forest infrastructure, 8.49 km offire breaks with elements of forest road were completed. For sub-activity 6.1. The reconstruction of the Podravlje Educational and Visitor Center is undergoing a public procurement procedure for construction works, and a public procurement procedure is being planned to equip the center. For educational activities, the development of Educational Manuals is underway, after which procurement for the production of educational materials and brochures and the design of educational trails will be initiated.

Members can follow the promotional and visibility activities on the project web pages.

Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds introduced us to the new members of the project team as well as the realization of the recording of the promo film.

Members of the Croatian Waters project team briefed us on the procurement procedures they are conducting for zero water status studies, determination of retention capacity, and procurement of water monitoring.

The second day of the meeting was used for individual project partner meetings by activity.