Crnooka deverika

Crnooka deverika (Abramis sapa)

Crnooka deverika je autohtona vrsta koja se u rijekama dunavskog sliva u Hrvatskoj javlja sporadično. Naraste do 1 kg i 30 cm. Obilježuje je dugačka podrepna peraja koja doseže do početka repa, te velike tamne oči. Mlade ribe hrane se zooplanktonom a starije bezkralježnjacima te vodenim biljem. Živi u jatima na mjestima sporijeg toka rijeka.

Uzrok ugroženosti je pregradnja i regulacija rijeka, onečišćenje vodotoka i riječni promet. Regulacija rijeka uzrokuje nestanak plitkih priobalnih staništa potrebnih za mrijest.

Danubian bream  (Abramis sapa)

The Danubian bream is an autochthonous species that occurs sporadically in Croatia, in the rivers of the Danube basin. It grows up to 1 kg and 30 cm. It is characterized by a long anal fin that reaches the beginning of the tail, and large dark eyes. The Danubian bream has a relatively tall, laterally flattened body. Its back is dark, and the sides and the belly are silvery. Young fish feed on zooplankton, and older ones feed on invertebrates and aquatic plants. It lives in shoals, in places of slower river flow.

The cause of endangerment is the regulation of rivers, water barriers, pollution of watercourses and river traffic. The regulation of rivers causes the disappearance of shallow coastal habitats needed for spawning.