Bjeloperajna krkuša

Bjeloperajna krkuša (Romanogobio vladykovi)

Autohtona je, uobičajena vrsta, duga do 13 cm. Naziv je dobila po svijetlim neobojenim prsnim, trbušnim i podrepnom perajom. Ova vrsta nastanjuje glavne riječne tokove gdje je voda duboka, struja polagana, a dno meko i muljevito. Na muljevitom dnu hrani se ličinkama kukaca, maločetinašima i račićima.

Uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste nisu dovoljno istraženi ali se pretpostavlja da na nju uz onečišćenja nepovoljno djeluju i pregradnje vodotoka.

Whitefinned gudgeon (Romanogobio vladikovy)

This is a common, autochthonous species, up to 13 cm long. On the sides of the body, along the lateral line, there are eight to ten dark spots. There are barbels in the corners of the mouth. It is named after the light, colorless pectoral, pelvic and anal fins. This species inhabits the main river courses where the water is deep, the current is slow, and the bottom is soft and muddy. On the muddy bottom, it feeds on insect larvae, oligochaetes and shrimps.

The causes of endangerment of this species have not been sufficiently investigated, but it is assumed that, in addition to pollution, it is also negatively affected by water barriers.