
Belica (Leucaspius delineatus)

Ova malena rijetka vrsta ribe naraste do 12 cm ali najčešće 5 – 7 cm. Hrani se zooplanktonom i pridnenim organizmima te letećim kukcima koji padnu u vodu. Belica živi u području donjih tokova rijeka, u stajaćim i sporo tekućim vodama, bogato obraslim vodenom vegetacijom. Naseljava i plitke bare, jezera, ribnjake i rukavce, irigacijske kanale. Za razmnožavanje joj je potrebna stajaća voda.

Uzrok ugroženosti je onečišćenje na što je ova ribica jako osjetljiva. Osim isušivanja staništa velik utjecaj na njezin nestanak ima nekontrolirana primjena insekticida i herbicida u poljoprivredi.

Sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus)

This small and rare species of fish grows up to 12 cm, but usually 5-7 cm. Their bodies are covered with large and thin scales that fall off easily. Its body is usually shiny silver, and the back is olive green, with a silvery-blue stripe extending along the sides, from head to tail. The fins are mostly transparent. It feeds on zooplankton and benthic organisms and flying insects that fall into the water. The sunbleak lives in the area of ​​the lower river reaches, in still and slow-flowing waters, richly overgrown with aquatic vegetation. It also inhabits shallow ponds, lakes, ponds and distributaries, irrigation canals. It needs still water to reproduce.

The cause of endangerment is pollution, to which this fish is very sensitive. In addition to the habitat drying out, the uncontrolled use of insecticides and herbicides in agriculture has a great impact on its disappearance.